Archive | October, 2011

When I was a little porcupine. Wait, maybe It was a hedgehog….

31 Oct

People don’t really celebrate Halloween Down Under.  Ok, some do.  It’s definitely gaining popularity, but I’ve never once had any little zombies or fairies or the like come knocking on my door wanting a trick or a treat.  I will, however, be dressing Hannah up in her adorable little fairy outfit for the day.  I am American after all.  Plus I bought some candy corn from USA foods, along with 150 dum dum lollipops, so I’m all prepared.

But, I did grow up in the U.S. and I used to trick or treat every single year.  So here is a guest post by my Mom, for a little insight on me as a little tyke on Halloween.

Sheri Goes Trick-or-Treating

Yeah, that's me all right, and that readers, is the inside of a mobile home.

A long time ago in a country far away from where she lives now, Sheri went trick-or-treating for the first time.  We didn’t have a lot of money when the kids were small, so they never had store bought costumes.  Where money lacks, creativity reigns.  She was about 2 then, so one of her dad’s t-shirts pretty much covered her from neck to toe.  Add some brown material, felt feet, and a white t-shirt transformed into a pretty good hedge hog suit.


Her brother, Chris was always quite creative making his own costumes.  He dressed up as things most other kids never would have considered.  A bag of groceries, a TV set, and a museum all made appearances as his costumes over the years.  When he got older he made the simplest costume ever, a hooded sweatshirt, and some sunglasses – instant unibomber.


Sheri had some flashes of creativity of her own, though not in the same way as Chris.  Her and cousin Jennifer dressed up together as things like an enormous pair of underwear (complete with stains) or a giant pair of pants (with one girl in each leg.)


We lived out in the country, too far to walk from house to house.  Sure we could have gone into town like most people and walked through the neighborhoods there, but I didn’t want my kids getting their candy from random unknown strangers.  So we set out in the car and drove to the houses of people we knew in our area.


Many of them did not expect trick-or-treaters, especially that first year.  So they scrounged through their cupboards.  We may not have made it to as many houses as the people walking through town, but in addition to the usual fun-sized candy (and what is so fun about a half bite sized candy bar anyway?) they got full sized candy bars, hostess pies, pudding cups and that sort of thing.


In between houses, at least one kid had to sit in the back seat of the car, unseen in the dark by mom, who had to pay attention to the road.  Sheri’s first year trick-or-treating,  she sat in the back.  After making the rounds of all the people nearby that we knew we came home.  Chris got out of the car with a bag full of candy.  Sheri got out of the car with a bag of wrappers and a stomach ache.  Turned out she ate each thing she got between houses or on the way home.


Sadly she watched Chris eating candy for the next week or two while she had none.  She learned her lesson though, and never ate it all at once again.

Don’t forget to vote once per day to keep me a the top. THANKS!!!!!

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Another embarrassing moment….

27 Oct

Maybe Aaron and I should be a bit more careful of what we leave lying around in our room….

And yes, she actually said that. Sigh.

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Are you calling me fat?

24 Oct

Aaron: “How was your day?”

Me: “Good, how about yours?”

Aaron: “Yeah, good.  Did you do any Wii Fit today?”

Me: “What? I didn’t have enough time for that today.  What are you trying to say?  You think I need to exercise?  You think I’m fat, don’t you!?”

Aaron: “Um…I was just interested in your day.  Making conversation. Wanting to know if you used the thing you asked me to hook up for you so you could use it…. I don’t think you’re fat. I think you’re sexy.”

Me: “Whatever. You just want me to exercise because you think I’m fat!”

Aaron (flustered): “That’s not what I said at all.”

Aaron and I have those conversations a lot.  Probably because I still have 5.5kgs of baby weight to lose (not bad considering I gained 17kgs whilst pregnant with Daniel.  And Hannah. But I lost the Hannah weight before getting pregnant with Daniel.  In case you were wondering.  And 17kgs is a lot for someone who is five foot two and normally weighs 50kgs.  Anyway, that is so not the point of this post…), and I am paranoid and self-conscious.

And then I read a pre-production copy (yes, I do feel very special!!) of Christina Steinorth’s   Cue Cards for Life: Thoughtful Tips for Better Relationships. 

Cue Card: Do not ascribe your own interpretation to what someone is telling you (there is more information following that headline, but I don’t want to give everything away!!).

Sigh.  I do that all the time.  Aaron always tells me that’s not what he meant when I think he’s calling me fat after merely asking me a thoughtful question about my day.  But I didn’t believe him.  In my mind, anyone who asks me if I’m going to go to the gym, or for a walk, etc., is certainly calling me fat.  Now I actually believe him.  There are no hidden messages in his questions and conversations, it’s just my interpretation.

Cue Cards for Life: Thoughtful tips for Better Relationships is not a book you have to read cover to cover (though you easily can because it’s interesting, and reading a little bit makes you thirst for more).  There are sections for each type of relationship in your life.  Love (your spouse or significant other), in-laws (that one can be very useful for a lot of people!), family, teenagers, events…  It’s all there.  Cue cards are pieces of information that you can immediately apply to help make your relationship problems more manageable; to help you get them under control before they reach crisis point.  Or, to just make interactions much better.  It’s like an encyclopedia of helpful relationship information.  Simple things you can do (or in some cases, not do) to better all the relationships you have in your life, from acquaintances to spouses and everything in between.

I really think this book would be helpful to anyone and everyone.  After all, no one is perfect, so no one has the perfect relationship.  To pre-order your copy, click here

Don’t forget to vote once per day (pretty please) to get me back in the top 3. Thanks!
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And the winner is….

19 Oct

Thanks to everyone who entered the Fill in the Blankie competition!  All of the entries made me giggle, and my impartial 3rd party has reached a decision. And the winner is (drumroll please)….

Erika, with this entry:

I think my most embarrassing moment with my 13 month old was at dinner a few weeks ago. We went out for my friends birthday with her and her 18 month old. My son finds it hilarious to throw his food on the floor or at me instead of eating it. Our cat fully benefits from this at home but in public it’s not so nice. Well, I am distracted and talking to my friend, catching up on life and I did not realize that my son was not eating quietly like I imagined. He was instead, putting spaghetti, ever so quietly, in the hair of the women behind us. He managed to put 4 long strands in her hair before my friend noticed! I was so embarrassed when I told this poor women that he was gently putting spaghetti in her hair. I’m still not entirely sure how she did not notice/feel this, but she was not exactly nice about the revelation!

Don’t forget to vote once per day. THANKS!
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Why is my leg all warm?

17 Oct

It’s good to give infants some nappy off kick time.  That’s what I call it anyway.  Just some time every day where they are naked from the waist down, airing out their bits and having no clothing to restrict their crazy kicking.  I give Daniel some nappy off kick time every day.  He loves it.  I put him on a towel on the floor, undo the bottom half of his onesie, take his nappy off, and let him go for it.  He smiles at me lovingly, makes cute little noises, and plays pretend bicycle riding.

The other day, I was sitting next to Daniel during his nappy off kick time, but I was looking the other way, playing with Hannah.  Everyone was content.  Until I felt something warm on my leg.  At first I didn’t know what it was.  It startled me.  Was there a mouse in the house, running across my leg?  I looked down.  I was wearing dark jeans, the wet patch wasn’t completely obvious.  A second later, it hit me.  Daniel peed on me.  Sigh.  Ick! I wasn’t even sitting right next to him.  There was Daniel, a length of towel, then me.  There was hardly any pee on the towel.  Nope, it was all reserved for me.  Cheeky little man.

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Oh my gosh, ICK!

12 Oct

Potty training is not going well.  Hannah refuses to sit on the potty, or even wear her underwear.  So, I’ve decided to not make a big deal of it and train her when she thinks she’s ready.  In the mean time, I’ve been doing some pre-training things.  Fine, one thing.  I’ll work on the rest later….

Hannah used to be petrified of her poop.  The first time I tried to potty train her months and months ago, she pooped in the potty on the very first try.  But then she looked at it.  She’d never seen poop before.  The thought to show her her poop had never crossed my mind.  She freaked out.  It was like that poop turned into some sort of evil, crazy, I’m-gonna-eat-you poo monster.  She didn’t want to sit on the potty after that.

I started showing her her poop.  Now she wants to see it every single time.  So I upped the ante.  I started taking her to the bathroom and dumping the poo out of her nappy in to the toilet.  Then I shut the lid and flush.

All was going well until it happened.

I opened the lid, dumped the nappy contents….

Plop.  Splash.  Oh.  My.  Gosh. A drop of toilet water attacked me.  It came right out of that poo-laden potty and hit me.  In the face.  Right next to my mouth.  EW!!!!!!!!

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The little blankie that could

7 Oct

Fill in the Blankie, a personalised baby blanket:

I travelled across the world to get here.  But it didn’t take me very long.  I was so excited to finally get out of my package and meet my owner/best friend – the person who will love me unconditionally for the rest of their life.  Daniel.

I could hear the package around me being torn open.  Light flooded in. “Oh wow, it’s beautiful!” Someone said.

A little girl grabbed me and excitedly ran off giggling.

The little girl trying to steal me

“No, no, you’re not Daniel!!!” I screamed.  “I belong to Daniel, not to you! Daniel’s name, birthdate, time of birth, and weight are written on me.  Not yours!”  But she kept cuddling me and running around, totally ignoring my pleas, acting as if she couldn’t even hear me.

“That’s for Daniel sweetie, you already have a special blanket that you love.”  She put me down and ran off to get her own blanket.

Finally, I got to meet Daniel.  I was wrapped around him, warm and snug.  I knew from that moment that we would be forever bonded.  He would cherish me his whole life, eventually showing me to his own children.  I knew that I would be that one blanket that he always kept.  Everyone has that one blankie.  But I’m special.  I’m personalised.   I am made to last.  I’m adorable.  I’m loveable., cuddly, and soft.

Then he threw up on me.   “Oh no,” his mom said “the blankie!”

I'm very well made!

“That’s ok,” I told her “I’m robust and made of high quality materials, you can wash me!  Just throw me in the washing machine, I’ll be fine!”  But she couldn’t hear me.  Probably because I’m a blanket.  Luckily she threw me in anyway.  Good as new.

Want your own Fill in the Blankie? You can get 20% off by ordering one by 19 October 2011 using the code iwnt20. Click here for some suggestions for  personalizing your baby blanket.

Want to WIN a digital gift certificate for $150 towards any Fill in the Blankie (mine cost less than that including shipping, so depending on the blanket you get, you won’t have to pay a dime!)? All you have to do is comment on this post telling me your most embarrassing mommy story.  Anyone in the world can enter, you don’t have to be in the U.S. or Australia.  Entries will be judged by an impartial third party as I’m sure I will know some of you who enter (to make it fair for those I know and those I don’t) and will be notified via email. Contest ends 13 October.


UPDATE: Some people have said the this site won’t let them leave a comment, so you can also post your entry on the Mommy Adventures facebook page wall.

*A free personalised Daniel blanket was given to me by Fill in the Blankie for me to review.

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The quiet Mommy

5 Oct

I’ve been singing to Hannah while she has a bath since she was tiny.  She loves it.  Ok, she used to love it.  I’m not delusional, I know I suck at singing.  But I did it anyway.  Kids don’t care if your  singing sounds like a dying moose, they just like that you sing to them.  Until they get to toddler-hood….

Hannah was in the bath the other day and I was singing to her as usual.

“Twinkle twinkle little star” I belted.

She looked at me all serious and told me matter of factly:

I would be offended if I wasn’t laughing so hard.

Don’t forget to vote once per day!  I was #1 for a couple hours, and it sure felt great.  I would love to be #1 again!!! Thanks!

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2 weeks

1 Oct

Hannah is very regular.  She poops every day.  Usually.  Mostly.  But she didn’t poop today.

“Where is your poo-poo today?”  I asked her as I changed her nappy.

“In my bottom.”  Fair enough.

“When are you going to do a poo-poo?”

Without hesitation, she told me  “In two weeks.”

“Two weeks? I think if you don’t poo for two weeks, your tummy will be pretty sore.”

“One week.” She said matter-of-factly.

She’s so funny!

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