Archive | February, 2013

Living both dreams

28 Feb

Sports cars are fun.  I know from experience.  But can you have a sports car with a family? Today’s guest/sponsored post tackles that question head on:

When you think of a family having children, that same family also having a sports car is not always exactly the first thing that springs to mind. You might think such a vehicle would be too powerful, too expensive and too small to fit the bill as a suitable family car but why should parents miss out on the thrill of the wind in their hair as they cruise along in a flashy ride? Surely everyone deserves the chance to be the envy of all their friends and own the car they have always dreamed of. Luckily, you still can!

The sports car market – and vehicle market in general – is huge and can be pretty daunting when setting out in search of a new ride. When you have little ones toddling along behind you, it is normal to think this would add an additional layer of consideration when choosing which car to opt for but sometimes a massive market can be your best friend and not just a confusing hindrance, as among the masses are some brilliant hidden gems just waiting to be found and loved.

Thanks to cars like the Toyota 86 – like these ones on it is possible to own a sports car that can work with your family life, rather than against it. Big, clunky beasts bought only for their spacious interiors can be a thing of the past; a distant memory brushed under the carpet and long forgotten as you drive off in your exhilarating new car.


With so much fancy technology out there and hours upon hours of research, companies like Toyota now create vehicles that are incredibly safe, having been rigorously tested. This is perfect for families! Imagine the peace of mind travelling down the road knowing your children are tucked up safely in the back of a car that’s exterior is essentially a reinforced shield against the threats of the outside world. Speaking of the back; that is another of the glorious benefits of a car like the 86; sports cars have back seats now! The days of fancy cars only having two front seats are long gone. Say hello to modern style and a user-friendly vehicle built to accommodate all the family.

Budget is always an important factor when making a purchase these days – no more so than for people with children. It may then surprise you to know that some sports cars, the Toyota 86 included – are actually cheaper than many of their ‘family targeted’ counterparts. Finally you could buy the car of your dreams without telling the kids that Santa Claus might not make it that year.

Treating your children can bring you unprecedented joy, but so can treating yourself every now and then. Thankfully, it seems there may finally be the ideal solution which offers that beautiful ride you’ve always wanted for a price that is achievable that both parent and child alike will revel in cruising down the road in – because let’s face it; sports cars are cool.


27 Feb

“Where are all the dinosaurs?” Hannah asked as she was looking through her new dinosaur puzzle book.

“They are all extinct.”  Aaron told her.

“What’s extinct?”

“There are none left, they all died a long time ago.”

“I know why all the dinosaurs are extinct,” Hannah said with certainty a little while later, “Someone put too much water in their tea.”

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Copyright 2013 Sheri Thomson

The Best Mom Blogs

Meet Cinderella Alexandra

22 Feb

“I think she might be sick,” Aaron said to Hannah, whilst giving me a knowing look  “We’ll see how she goes today, and if she hasn’t moved by the time I get home from work, we’ll have to put her back outside so she can get better.”

And by sick, he meant dead.  She’d been lying in the same spot for almost 24 hours.

“Ok.” Hannah said, head down, her voice reflecting sadness.

“We’ll see how she is today, Mommy.  I bet she’ll move.  She’s just having rest.  It’s nap time.” Hannah told me, believing every word as she said it.

We’d only had her for a day.  We found her the day before under Hannah’s pillow.  Yes, under Hannah’s pillow, a very strange place, if you’re a caterpillar.

“She crawled all the way under my pillow because she loves me!!” Hannah said excitedly.  “She loves me so much!”

I got a plastic takeaway container, poked holes in it, and gave it to Aaron to put the black caterpillar in.

“What are you going to name it?” Aaron asked her.

She thought about it a little bit.  “Cinderella.  No, she’s going to have two names.  Cinderella Alexandra.”

We read up on how to take care of caterpillars, and I bought one of those plastic animal containers with slits all through the roof to be made into her new home (for under $2, I might add!). Hannah and I put dirt on the bottom, some sticks for her to climb, leaves to eat, and a cotton ball full of water to keep everything fresh and hydrated.  Plus a little scrunched up wad of paper to use as a ball so she can “use her nose to kick it around her cage because she wants to play.”

Hannah carried Cinderella around with her for the rest of the day, despite the fact that Cinderella hadn’t moved in hours.

Hannah and her caterpillar helping me cook

Hannah and her caterpillar helping me cook

Aaron and I were going to lightly poke her with a stick to see if she moved after Hannah went to bed, but Hannah came out of her room to get her.  Hannah wanted Cinderella to sleep on the little dresser next to her bed so she wouldn’t be lonely.

The morning didn’t bring any movement.  Cinderella was still in the exact same spot she’d been in since the afternoon before.

“Goodbye Cinderella,” Hannah told the caterpillar as we went out for the morning, “I love you!”

“I missed you so much!!!” Hannah told her when we got home.

She still hadn’t moved.

A few hours later, we were going out again and I checked to see if Cinderella had moved.  Aaron was only a few hours from returning home from work, and the chances of having to put her outside because she was “sick” were becoming very high.

Until I saw this:


At first glance, I nearly dropped the cage because I thought there was a cockroach in there.  Then my brain started functioning and I realised that a cockroach of that size would have no way to actually get inside the cage.  Plus there are no legs.

But hang on, isn’t that Cinderella curled up in a ball right next to the thing that has to be a cocoon? I thought that too, but closer inspection revealed that the ball of fluff is just that, a ball of fluff.  There is not enough mass there to be Cinderella.  Unless she suddenly shrank to less than half of her original size.  She somehow just shed all of her hair and is now in the cocoon.  That’s what we’re hoping at least.  Otherwise, we’re going to have a very disappointed little girl.

UPDATE: Click here to read the rest of the Cinderella story.

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The Best Mom Blogs

Things to consider before buying a used piano

21 Feb

I’ve always admired people who can play the piano.  It seems so difficult, but sounds so beautiful.  I can’t even remotely play the piano, and needless to say, I don’t know the first thing about buying one.

Lucky for you, I didn’t write this post.  Today’s sponsored post is written by someone who actually knows what they’re talking about did:

Buying a second-hand piano can be quite a task. Older pianos may have parts that can be problematic or may no longer be replaceable. Similarly, a bad pinblock could be the difference between a fine used pianoand a piece of junk. You might be willing to spend good money on a used Baldwin or Mason & Hamlin knowing a rebuild is still cheaper than buying a brand new one. Below are 10 things that you should consider when looking for a used or refurbished piano.

  1. History. If possible, learn as much as you can about the previous owners of the piano you are planning to buy. A piano is a long-lasting instrument. If it is well taken care of, it can last for decades. But buying a piano, or any musical instrument, is an investment that can be very personal for some. Keep this mind as you’re making your decision.
  1. Storage. Always check how the piano was handled. Was it kept in a basement, in a public storage facility, or in a back room? Pianos are very susceptible to climate changes and humidity, and those that have been exposed to fluctuating temperatures are prone to serious damage.
  1. Maintenance. How often was the piano serviced, and was it done in an authorized service center or by an experienced technician? Has the instrument been tuned at least twice every year to retain its sound quality? Will there be any out-of-pocket costs for special tuning or other maintenance? Repairs and tuning on any musical instrument should have been done only by trained professionals.
  1. Tuning. This could be considered part of maintenance, but in a lot of ways it’s completely different. An out-of-tune piano is a serious matter. Your piano needs to have been tuned regularly and properly. If the piano is constantly out of tune, it could be an internal issue or it may have outlived its life span. The only way to know for sure is to have a registered piano technician look at it before purchasing.
  1. Size. Larger pianos have better tone, as tone is directly related to the length of the strings and the size of the soundboard. The bigger they are, the better the tone. Keep this in mind if your space does not permit you to buy a large piano.
  1. Budget. Purchase the best piano your budget can buy! Pianos are long-term investments and their depreciation is minimal. If you’re buying it for a child, don’t assume it shouldn’t be high-quality. A well-maintained piano can last decades. Let your child learn and grow with an instrument that produce good sound, while teaching him or her proper care and maintenance.
  1. Stability. Has the piano been moved a lot? This lets you know how much stress the unit has experienced. Check for wobbly legs, which are a clear indicator. Also look for dents and scratches, which could mean the piano was squeezed through a tight space.
  1. Guarantees. Ideally, the piano will come with a warranty. If you’re lucky, there could be moving costs included, a complimentary tuning and other amenities. Don’t hesitate to ask, especially if you see problems with the instrument to begin with.
  1. Décor. It’s not just an instrument; it’s also a sophisticated piece of furniture. If you have an idea of where it will end up in the home, try to find a model that complements the surroundings. Cabinet and finish styles should be selected in that regard.
  1. Acoustic or digital This is, of course, a matter of personal choice. Purists will say only an acoustic is warranted for true musicianship. However, digital pianos not only produce excellent music, but they can also be fun to play and offer a lot of extra features.

Most importantly, only use a trusted vendor. A good way to do this is finding referrals from musicians, music teachers, and registered piano technician. While the majority of sellers are honest and wish to sell their customers a quality product, some may not be so honest or even knowledgeable.

Purchasing a used piano is a major investment. There are many brands from a dozen countries you can pick from, and thousands of styles and finishes. Companies that went out of business decades ago still have their products in the market, and that’s because a good piano is made to last! With a little preparation and research, you can find a great used piano for your budget.

Amanda Williams is a staff member and blogger for TakeLessons. Since 2006, TakeLessons has helped thousands of students discover their passion through music, by matching them with the top local music teachers across the nation.  These certified music instructors specialize in teaching guitar, piano, singing and more.

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The Best Mom Blogs

The Broken Heart – continued

20 Feb

Wonder what happened to my Valentines Day guest post author?  Was he able to celebrate Valentines Day after all? Here is the story:

Apparently the best laid contingency plans can also be thwarted by Fate.  What we all optimistically thought were just bad lower back contusions from my wife’s icy fall (see first instalment here) fating our Valentine’s Day into a mesh of alternative ideas – turns out to be much worse. Cupid may have fallen on his arrow, because it’s hard to find any love from deities this week.

My wife was discharged later that same day of admission. Plenty of pain killers and no broken bones. Over the next two days the pain increases to the point of immobility, almost paralyzing, electro-shock pain, despite the pain relievers. I knew right then Valentine’s Day wasn’t happening. There was no healing, just swelling.

Inching her towards the car was futile and the ambulance was called  Tears were streaming, fear was taking hold, and will was lapsing. Honestly, I almost joined her, but I needed to be the rock as I always am. Even our first childbirth didn’t strike such terror and anxiety. All my attempts to help created more pain. I felt powerless. 15 minutes later she was on a gurney back to the hospital. That day ended with a CAT scan confirming no breaks but contusions, the possibility of a new or old herniated disc, swelling, and no concrete answers. 

Enter the MRI which confirmed the CAT scan and a swelling her sciatic nerve. That explains the pain, but isn’t the MRI to know what is causing the swelling? You can numb pain with narcotics, but you have to fix the problem.  As of now, we may be moving to a more renowned hospital and are getting second opinions.  She in incapable to get physical therapy because despite pain killing drips, she can not bend to get off the bed.

We spent Valentine’s Day, the day before and the day after (today) in the hospital. The contingency plans are a thought of the past. My wife, who often puts seemingly undue importance on Holidays was the first to say, “Let’s just have our own Valentine’s Day when this is over.  There’s just no point in pretending something is happy when it isn’t”.  I agree.  Everything is lip service when you can’t be receptive to the notion.  Right now, neither of us can be receptive to anything.

I feel almost as shocked as her, yet force myself to be numb for her.

I’m not saying Valentine’s Day should be easily dismissed. I hope next year we will celebrate another year of us, using Valentine’s Day as a romantic inspiration and backdrop. But injury and strife always put things in a proper perspective.  Our priorities change, and the only mindset up to debate is whether we choose to keep these new found priorities when the crisis is over, or if we will go back to our old ways of thinking when not under life’s pressures and pains.

But my heart yearns to rejoin the legions of happy romantics next year, because any alternative due to this injury is simply unthinkable.

Barry Kaye

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The Best Mom Blogs


19 Feb

“What’s this?” I asked Daniel as I pointed to the chicken in his favourite book.

“A DUCK!” He told me, clearly proud of himself.

“Good guess buddy, but that’s a chicken.”

“No, DUCK!” he told me with certainty.

“No, it’s a chicken.”




I think he would have argued his point all night, so I gave up and went to the next page. Sigh. #YouCan’tArgueWithaToddler

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The Best Mom Blogs

That’s not your leg

16 Feb

“Where is your nose?” I asked Daniel while giving him a bath.

He put his finger on the tip of his nose. “Nose.” He told me.

“Where is your tummy?”

“Tummy,” He said, putting both hands on it.

“Where is your leg?” I asked him.

“Leg,” he told me as he grabbed his penis.

“That is definitely not your leg, Bud.” I said as I stifled my giggles. “That is your penis.”

“PENIS!” He told me with glee. “Penis!”

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The Best Mom Blogs

The broken heart

15 Feb

Aaron and I don’t celebrate Valentines day.  We haven’t for a long time.  Why? Because when we try to go out to eat on Valentines day, the restaurants are always ridiculously full and we have to wait ages to get a table.  Flowers cost about double what they do on usual days, and I already eat enough chocolates, I don’t need any extras.  Instead, we celebrate our very own Aaron and Sheri day – the anniversary of the day we started going out.

Since it is Valentines day for all of you readers who don’t live on the same continent as me, I thought you might enjoy a Valentines day post from someone who actually celebrates Valentines day:

The are the best laid plans of mice and…well, men and women.  Just because a day, like Valentine’s Day is deemed special by us, does not mean Fate thinks it is. If you haven’t noticed, when people reference Fate, it’s typically for the worse. Destiny is more apt for positive results. So here I am, faced with a Fated Valentine’s Day.
It’s now two days before V-Day 2013.  As Fate would have it, my wife injured her back very badly, slipping on ice. Nothing broken, but a contusion worthy of a hospital visit and a lot a pain killers and other meds. Sitting for prolonged periods is difficult for her, so imagining our upcoming romantic dinner is also difficult.  I’m on the edge of canceling but still hoping the next two days shows more destiny than fate. We’re married with young kids, so there aren’t too many romantic nights out during the year, and Valentine’s Day is one that is a given. I know she is disappointed with the prospect of spending Valentine’s Day at home in recovery mode, but you can’t simply will the body better, it takes time. I feel very badly as well. Our happiness is linked, even if I don’t put as much stock in Holiday’s as she. We share pain and disappointment, as much as we do our finances and parenting styles.

So how to remedy a situation that is slowly spiraling out of our control. Can a home-cooked and restaurant quality meal, which I can do, be an adequate substitute? The food yes, atmosphere maybe, but I can not replace the thrill of waving good-bye to the babysitter. Nor can make the night more physically romantic than her body aches and medications can allow.  I understand this. The only thing left to provide a mentally and emotionally enhanced experience. For me, and I believe for most guys, this is the most challenging because it takes the most effort.

This is a contingency plan in the making, an end-around Fate which has already taken over the day. Its power rests in its ability to disrupt the status quo and expectations of the day, so the villagers who can not change Fate must find a new route to happiness and circumvent it. The plan thus far is simple. Prepare and deploy a staggering dinner of a  favorite dish that I am comfortable making (for the non-cooking guys, there is no shame in ordering in from a nice restaurant so long as your present it on good tableware with romantic touches), present a bountiful bouquet, ensure the kids are on their best behavior and know that bedtime is to be “on-time” and with no fuss, create the most calming and relaxing bedroom environment possible, verbalize how much I understand the situation but am determined to make her forget her discomfort, and not least continue this attempt in the morning when a fresh and hopefully renewed view on the world (by virtue it’s not Valentine’s Day anymore) will let her appreciate the total effort just a little bit more.

This assumes that she can not heal herself in the face of Fate. If she can, great! But if not, I’ll be ready with my plan. And since love conquers all, I assume that includes Fate.

Barry Kaye,



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The Best Mom Blogs

Hotel bed

14 Feb

If I look past the boot packed to the max with bags, toys, portable cots,  mini couches for the kids to sleep on, the approximately 1 million are we there yet?’s, and the cheese that’s ground into the car seats because I gave the kids sandwiches to combat those are we there yet?’s and/or screaming for 5 minutes, going on holidays is quite fun.

Especially at night time.  With the kids in bed, we can kick back, enjoy a cup of tea that we can actually hold in our hands without a curious and mad for food toddler standing precariously on his tippy-toes, relentlessly pawing at our cups whilst we attempt to keep the hot beverage free of grasping hands so they don’t get scalded.

We can get into bed at 7:30pm.  Aaron and I really like going to this 5 star hotel in Sydney when we are feeling particularly un-thrifty and want a little luxury that our slightly dodgy apartment with 30 year old brown shag carpet and tiles falling off the walls in the bathroom can’t possibly give us.

At this particular hotel, there is a menu next to the bed.  A pillow menu.  Yes, there is such a thing.  You can actually call the concierge and order the particular pillow size/firmness/filling (feather, cotton, latex) that you’d like, and they will deliver it to your room at no extra charge.

Each pillow is encased by those lovely crisp white pillow cases that match the lovely crisp white sheets that only hotels seem to be able to get their grubby mitts on.

hotel sheets

If only my bed looked like this

Unless you’re staying in the places we usually stay.  You won’t find the nice sheets there.

Getting into bed at a 5 star hotel is nothing short of fabulous.  After I pull the sheets out from their tucked position at the side of the bed (I hate having my sheets tucked), I can wrap myself in the crisp white sheets, sink into the soft pillows, and cuddle up to Aaron, not having to worry about dishes, laundry, or cleaning.  Whilst we are in that hotel bed, life is easy.

How good would it be to have hotel sheets at home? Only new ones, not sheets from actual hotels, because we all know what goes on in hotel beds.

You can get your very own crisp, yet silky feeling white sheets from Frette’s hotel collection bedding.  Frette’s actually do supply world famous hotels with their linen.  It’d be like a holiday every night.  And who doesn’t like that, right?

*This post was sponsored by

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The Best Mom Blogs


13 Feb

“Hannah, can you keep an eye on Daniel and tell me if he goes outside?” I asked Hannah after bible study this morning.  My group was on clean up duty and Daniel has a tendency to attempt escape.  Don’t worry, by outside, I mean within the confines of the baby gates that block the kids from getting into the car park.  Unless someone leaves the gates open, which is why I wanted to know if he went out there.  Just in case.  He is sneaky.

“Ok Mommy, I’m on a mission!” She told me gleefully, running off after Daniel with her arms out whilst making airplane noises. “I’m on a SUPERHERO MISSION.”

Who knew that getting Hannah to keep an eye on Daniel would be so exciting?

“Superheroes can give themselves their own names.” Hannah told me in the car on the way home.

“I’m going to be Superhero Mission-0.”

“Oh, what a great name!” I told her.

“And then maybe I’ll be Superhero Minnie-o, then Superhero Mickey-o. Do those sound good too, Mommy?”

“Yes, they are all great names Sweetie.”

She was still on about superheroes when we got home.

“Superheroes go to bed late.” Uh-oh, I see where this is going.

“I’m going to have a superhero ballet!”

She put her arms out like an airplane and made the obligatory accompanying airplane noises.

“Oh no! I runned out of my superhero batteries!”

And that was the end of playing superheroes.

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The Best Mom Blogs