Tag Archives: video

Farm stay

9 Feb

Every year, we go away with a particular group of friends for the Australia Day long weekend.  We’ve been doing it since I was pregnant with Hannah.  We go somewhere different each year.  This year, we decided to do a farm stay and chose Honeycomb Valley Farm as our destination.

We arrived to two immaculately clean cabins, OJ, milk, butter, jam, and bacon in the fridge, fresh farm eggs on the counter, and a bunch of different single serving boxes of cereal in a basket.  I was kind of expecting the cabins to be dusty and farmish, but they get professionally cleaned after each guest leaves, and there wasn’t a bit of dirt of grime to be found.  Our family got one cabin to ourselves, and our other friends stayed in the other one.  No one else wanted to be woken up at 6am by little kids who don’t yet know the joys of sleeping in, no matter how tired they are or how late they stay up.

One of the goats at Honeycomb Valley Farm thinks it's a person.  She even came up on our porch when we first arrived.

One of the goats at Honeycomb Valley Farm thinks it’s a person. She even came up on our porch when we first arrived.


We spent most of our 3 days there outside.

Daniel playing in a big hole in one of the paddocks.

Daniel playing in a big hole in one of the paddocks.

Each morning, guests can (but don’t have to) help feed the animals.  You can do as little or as much as you want, but we helped every day and the kids, especially Hannah, enjoyed it immensely.  Farmer Andrew started with different animals each day we were there so that we got to experience something new each time.  I asked lots of questions and learned heaps.

Selfie with an alpaca.  She was very cooperative :)

Selfie with an alpaca. She was very cooperative 🙂

The first morning, he took Hannah and I around some of the far away paddocks in a trailer (with a mattress in it for comfort) attached to a quad bike. Daniel was constipated (I guess he gets holiday poo shy just like me), grumpy, and didn’t want to go on the trailer, plus Aaron was minding our friends’ daughter so they could do a beekeeping lesson, so the three of them went back to the cabin for a nap/quiet time while Hannah and I had all the fun.

Chickens chasing the trailer we were sitting in

Chickens chasing the trailer we were sitting in

We especially enjoyed seeing the chickens that day.  One of the flocks (is a group of chickens a flock?) anyway, there are a few of them.  Andrew converts old travel trailers that were destined for the tip/scrap yard into mobile chicken coops and moves them around the farm every couple of weeks.  During the night, the chickens are safely tucked into the converted trailer that has a wire mesh floor, and during they day they are let out to free range.

Hannah with the chickens in front of the "hens on holiday" moveable coop

Hannah with the chickens in front of the “hens on holiday” moveable coop

Hannah liked collecting eggs and watching all the interesting, unusual breeds of chickens eat the kitchen scraps we brought them.  Some of the chickens even laid green eggs!  Some eggs were big, some were small, and one from an older hen was even quite wrinkly.  All were delicious though.

Some of the different eggs we collected

Some of the different eggs we collected

We also got to see our friends in their bee suits at the bee hives.  One of the other mornings, we saw the native australian stingless bee hives and the bee motel (where solitary bees lay their eggs).  Then we walked up and down hilly paddocks with Daniel on my shoulders and Hannah on Aaron’s to get to the cows.  We didn’t have to do that, of course, but we wanted to see the cows and there were too many of us to fit in the trailer since all of us were helping feed the animals that day.  It was also good exercise, and practice for the Spartan race.  A 7kg bag of sand on my shoulders while I trek up a steep hill is nothing compared to a 12kg boy on my shoulders for at least a kilometer.

The bee hotel

The bee Motel

The morning feeding routine takes a couple of hours (at least), but Hannah didn’t get bored at all.  When it wasn’t feeding time, we still had plenty to do.  One day we went to the dam and rode the paddle boats.  Aaron wanted to have a race but was flabbergasted when I smoked him.  He claims his boat was faulty. HAHAHAHAHA if only.

Aaron and Hannah in one of the paddle boats

Aaron and Hannah in one of the paddle boats

We were allowed to go in any of the paddocks at any time, so we spent lots of time just running around pastures with the kids.  Daniel was quite fond of jumping up and down in poop piles.

There was also a solar heated pool to play in after all that running around, plus a swing set, balls to kick around, a fire pit and bbq area, and a kids pedal tractor, although the pedals didn’t work.  They didn’t seem to care though, and pushed each other around in it, or got me or Aaron to push them.

The kids enjoying the swingset

The kids enjoying the swingset

Daniel on the pedal tractor

Daniel on the pedal tractor

They have honey and tea tastings on a big covered deck attached to the converted shipping container shop.

Honey tasting

Honey tasting

And Hannah got to milk a goat.

Hannah milking a goat.  She was quite good at it.  I gave it a go, but I failed.

Hannah milking a goat. She was quite good at it. I gave it a go, but I failed.

Usually when we go away, we have to find things to do with the kids when it’s not nap time.  Last year during the trip, we even went to a shopping centre just for something to do.  At the farm though, we didn’t have to go anywhere else.  We could have stayed another whole week and they still wouldn’t have been bored.  We did end up going out one afternoon, but only because we’d never been to a winery before, and we were in the Hunter Valley.  It would have been silly not to visit a couple, especially since they were only a couple k’s down the road.

Aaron and the kids running between rows of grapes in a vineyard

Aaron and the kids running between rows of grapes in a vineyard

After the kids went to bed, we played board and card games with our friends.  I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of, or played Cards Against Humanity, but oh my, it’s hilarious.  I usually end up laughing so hard that I cry when we play it.  This trip was no exception, especially when I used the below white card in answer to the black one:

So wrong, but so funny

So wrong, but so funny. I won that round.

I am one of those weirdos who laughs at the very mention of the word fart.  Or poop.  Or anything of the sort, so with this one, I was pretty much on the floor laughing hysterically, and everyone knew who played the fart card as soon as it was turned over.

I was quite impressed with the farm in general.  Though they are not certified organic, they do farm organically, and make a huge effort to educate others about conservation and farming responsibly.  There is a huge solar oven that they make cakes and dinners in, plus a smaller one that they melt all the beeswax that they collect in. There are worm farms, a solar fridge, a shop made from an old shipping container (where we bought 3kg of raw honey), a native bee sanctuary, and they are even going to build an earthship (which I am particularly fascinated with and was shocked that they knew what I was talking about when I said something about them) shed.

Hannah riding a horse.  Maybe it was a pony, I'm not sure what breed/height it was

Hannah riding a horse. Maybe it was a pony, I’m not sure what breed/height it was.  It was either a big pony or small horse.

The kids didn’t want to go home, and Hannah keeps saying “when we buy another house, can we buy the one on the farm?”  She wants to move there, and both kids are still talking about the farm.  Pretty much every day, Daniel says something about how we went to the farm and saw all the animals.

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Copyright 2014 Sheri Thomson

The Best Mom Blogs

Wet ‘n Wild Sydney

18 Dec

After waiting two weeks for our season pass armbands that serve as everything from gaining entry to paying for food to identifying particular people in photographs taken by the official photographers, opening day arrived at Wet ‘n Wild Sydney.  Our armbands still haven’t arrived. Instead, we waited in line before the park opened and had to collect and activate new ones.  We thought we’d be waiting in line for hours, since the crowd was predicted to be 20,000 strong on opening day, but my friend Romana, who got there before me, only waited a few minutes.

Since Romana brought Hannah’s best friend Violet, and I brought Hannah (Daniel was at daycare), we only got to experience the kids area and the lazy river.  So if you want to know about how cool the other slides and things are, you’re not going to find it on this post.  Sorry.  One day I will get there sans kids, but that hasn’t happened as yet.

The kids area had plenty of stuff for them to do.  First we came across a vast soft-fall covered water spout area with a downpour bucket and various sprinklers, where they very small kids, as well as older ones, can run around and get soaked without being in a pool of water.  There is also a slide area with one entrance at the bottom that goes either left or right at the top.  To the left are four slides that require tubes.  Two of the four slides only accept single tubes with single riders, who must be under a certain height or they are not allowed on.  Too bad if you have a really tall 8 year old, he won’t be allowed to go down those slides.

The other two slides allow double tubes, and as long as one of the riders is under the stick height, the other rider can be an older child or an adult. I took Hannah down the double tube slides.  Since she is small, I had to put my legs over half the hole area of her side to make sure she didn’t fall in.  This meant that I had to sit with my legs open, so I’m hoping that my swimmers stayed where they were supposed to whilst I got on the tube, otherwise the slide attendant would be getting an eyeful.  Note to self, wear shorts next time.  I did wear a skirt over my bikini bottoms, but that was clearly not helpful when laying on a tube with my legs spread.

At the bottom of the slides, a lifeguard was there to pull us to the steps and help Hannah get out, which was quite useful.  The morning slide attendants at the top of the slides let me take the GoPro down with me, saying that since it has a wrist strap, it was ok because there wasn’t any danger of it falling in.  The afternoon attendants, however, made me leave it at the top and come back for it.

To left were the body slides – the slides you go down with no tubes or anything else.  Unfortunately, they don’t allow anyone over a certain height to go down them at all, even if you are accompanying a 2 year old.  That was fine for us, since our girls are 4.  Hannah and Violet can walk up to the slides themselves, choose which slide they like, and then let the attendant tell them when to go while we wait at the bottom of their chosen slide to make sure they get out ok.


Some of the slides have a bit of water at the bottom, so an adult really needs to be there to make sure there are no drowning or choking on water incidents. You can also see the top of the slides and the line area from the bottom, which means sending a 4 year old up there by themselves is actually doable. It also means that there are a bunch of kids with no parents in the lines which equates to chaos, and cutting in line.  There are only two attendants to 6 slides, so if your child isn’t game enough to speak up when their chosen slide is called, they could be waiting quite a while.

There is no way that I could bring Daniel there by myself.  He would need me to take him up to the top of the slides (the smaller ones without water at the bottom, since adults are not allowed to go on the slightly bigger ones with the kids), and to wait in line with him, but he’d also need me to be there at the bottom so he didn’t get out and run off somewhere, or get upset that I wasn’t waiting there for him. There isn’t enough time to put a child on the slide and run then run down to meet him/her at the bottom, so it is impossible to take a small child to Wet ‘n Wild on your own.

The most ridiculous thing about Wet ‘n Wild is not the $16 burgers, although they are clearly a rip off, but the fact that parents can’t go down water slides in the kids area with their small children.

Speaking of $16 burgers, outside food isn’t allowed (although I brought my own snacks in and no one said anything. Shhh….), and all the food is ridiculously expensive.  Burgers and fries for $16, a hot dog for $6.  There aren’t many choices either.  Don’t forget to bring your own water as there are no water fountains (that we found anyway), and one bottle of water is $4.50.

We stayed at Wet ‘n Wild for the majority of the day, and we all had a great time, especially since the lines were incredibly short and there weren’t many people around (so much for that 20,000…).  We already have another trip planned, and many more after that 🙂  I’m definitely glad we purchased gold season passes.

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What really happens at nap time

13 Dec

Daniel hasn’t been napping for a while now.  Sometimes the silence makes me think he’s asleep in there.  But then books start coming out from under the door and I know the silence is not due to sleeping, he’s just being quiet.  We wanted to know what he gets up to in his room during nap time, especially since it always looks like a bomb went off afterwards, so Aaron attached the GoPro to their closet door and set it to time lapse mode.

Most of the time he has quiet time with Hannah in the living room where they sit on the couch and watch a toddler appropriate movie while drinking a sippy cup of milk.  Mostly so I don’t have to clean up his room after “nap” time.  The mess has gotten worse in the weeks since we took the video.  In addition to reading nearly all of the books on the shelf and not putting them back, he now also enjoys emptying every single one of his drawers full of clothes.  Folding all of his clothes every day is not exactly my idea of a fun or useful time, and is really annoying.  Needless to say, he is now on the quiet time plan.

This post is brought to you by Label-Land. We carry a huge selection of high quality, stick for life, personalized label awesomeness to be affixed onto anything kids tend to lose.  Try our easy, practical, and affordable product so you can always be assured you will get back what you pack.

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Copyright 2013 Sheri Thomson

The Best Mom Blogs

Racing Daddy

28 Oct

Aaron has finally joined me in the no-longer-considered-young-adult club.  He turned 30 this week.  For his 30th birthday blowout, he rode his motorbike to Melbourne (which is at least 12 hours from here) with some friends, and went to the MotoGP on Phillip Island, a race that was shown on free to air TV.

“Who wants to watch a motorbike race?” I asked the kids. “Daddy is there, he is in the sitting in the grandstands watching the race.”

“Daddy is racing!” Daniel said excitedly.

“No, Daddy is watching the race.  See all those people sitting down,” I told them as I pointed to the grandstands in the background on the TV, “Daddy is in there somewhere.”

“No, Daddy is racing his motorbike!!!” Daniel exclaimed with glee, confident that somehow Daddy has been moonlighting as a motorbike racer.

This is what happened when the race started:

P.S. Check out my most recent review of Arbonne skincare.

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My name’s Henry

23 Aug

It seems like the kids are always fighting.  When one of them has a toy, the other wants it.  If one is drinking from a water bottle, the other wants to drink from that bottle.  A different one is just not the same.

Sometimes though, the nature of their fights makes me want to roll around on the floor in fits of laughter.  I don’t, of course, since I don’t want to scar them for life.

Although the subject of the fights differ, they always start, proceed, and end the same way.  Daniel tells Hannah something completely untrue just to annoy her, or maybe he thinks it’s hilarious, I’m not sure.  Hannah gets all defensive and tells him no, whatever he said is wrong.  He says it again, she gets increasingly mad, he says it again, she gets madder, and so on and so on, until I can’t contain my laughter any longer and they both come to me to back up their cases.

Daniel’s favourite way to torment Hannah with un-truths is to tell her that his name is Gordon or Henry (from Thomas the Tank Engine).

For your entertainment, here is a video of one of these hilarious fights.

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Copyright 2013 Sheri Thomson

The Best Mom Blogs

A dose of cute

16 Aug

Daniel speaks really well.  He knows so many words it’s not funny.  The longest sentence he’s ever spoken was 11 words.  He also loves to sing, but his vast vocabulary does not seem to translate into songs.  They’re pretty much mumbled garbledy-goop to the vague tune of the song he’s trying to sing.  It is adorably cute though, and no song is complete without a face full of porridge….

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Copyright 2013 Sheri Thomson

The Best Mom Blogs

Daniel and the laundry hamper

31 Jul

This is Daniel. It’s not Daniel being super silly, or Daniel all hopped up on sugar or something, this is just everyday Daniel doing everyday Daniel antics:

Yes, the house was messy.  The couch cushions were on the floor because the kids were having fun jumping on them and making forts with Aaron, and Daniel dumped out all the stuffed animals so he could use the hamper they were in.  But you know, that’s what happens when you have kids; the house is never ever clean.  Not for more than 30 seconds anyway….

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Copyright 2013 Sheri Thomson

The Best Mom Blogs

Convos with a 2 year old

14 Jun

If you have a toddler or preschooler, then you know that conversations with them often send you into a fit of internal giggles that you can’t possibly let out since the child in question is being completely serious.  Some ingenious man decided to harness the hilarity of conversations with his two year old by re-enacting them. Not with his two year old, but with another fully grown man.  The first time I watched one of his videos, I laughed so hard I cried.

*NOT a sponsored post.  I just wanted to amuse you with the video’s hilarity.

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Copyright 2013 Sheri Thomson

The Best Mom Blogs

The green screen

5 Sep

Have you ever read from a teleprompter? It’s actually really hard. Not the reading part, because, you know, I can read just fine thank you very much. But the words are moving from bottom to top and as they come up, there is a small space at the top, coloured if I remember correctly, that means you should be saying the words in that space right now. Ok, that sounds way more confusing then it actually is. Basically, the lines move at a certain speed, and that is the speed at which you are supposed to say them.

iPad2 Teleprompter R810-8 with Beam Splitter Glass

I don’t consider myself to be a super-fast talker or anything, but dang those words were going slow. I found it so hard to say the words slow enough. Consequently, my natural pauses, and sentence delivery was  a bit out of whack. But it still turned out pretty good. I think so anyway.

What the heck am I talking about?

A while back, I was asked to talk about Lifebuoy‘s hand washing mission. Because, you know, I’m Lifebuoy’s mommy blogger.

Lifebuoy Total Soap 120 gram Unit (Pack of 12)

They arranged for me to go to a film studio where I stood in front of a green screen, and read what I wanted to say off a teleprompter (so I wouldn’t get all jumbled up and forget what I wanted to talk about, etc. etc. ).

It was the whole kit and caboodle: Big, fancy, bright lights. Green screen. Teleprompter. Giant video camera. White studio with a curve from floor to wall so there were no corners. Mirror with lights all around it for getting make up done. I pretty much felt like a movie star for half an hour. Fine, maybe more like a news reader since I was just standing there, talking about stuff.

Lots of different lights!

Have you ever just talked to a camera? It’s so weird at first.  Like you’re standing there talking to no one like a complete knob.  The first take was horrible. The camera guy gave me some pointers, and I tried it again.

“That was really good!” He told me “you picked it up really fast.”

Maybe he was just saying that, but it put water in my bucket all the same, and it was uphill from there.

We only did about 4 takes, and then I was done.

Part of the green screen, and the wall with no corners

While they went upstairs to upload the video to a computer, I grabbed my crappy little point and shoot camera, stuck my hand in the studio and snuck a few photos. They probably would have let me take photos if I had asked, but I didn’t want to risk being told no (and I couldn’t take photos after being told no), so I just took them when the guys were upstairs. Hence the photos are not very good.

Of course you want to see the video, right?

Yes, they spelled my surname wrong. Sigh.

I love that cartoon me is in there waving her arms around. Hannah saw that cartoon her was in there and said “Oh, it’s baby Hannah, SHE’S SO CUTE!” in her sooky pinching-baby-cheeks voice.

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Copyright 2012 Sheri Thomson

The Best Mom Blogs

“Today is my first ballet lesson”

31 Jul

Hannah (3 years old): “Mommy, after we go to the plaza, can you drop me off at my ballet class?”

Me: “Um…You don’t take ballet Hannah.”

Hannah: “Yes I do.”

Me: “No you don’t.”

Hannah: “Yes I do. Today is my first ballet lesson. Can I wear my fairy dress to my first ballet class?”

Basic Ballet Dress-up Tutu Fuchsia – Hot Pink $3.99

Me: “You don’t have a ballet class Hannah. I’m not taking you to a ballet class.” I didn’t want to play along in case she thought I was actually going to take her to a real ballet class. She’d be pretty upset if I told her I would and then I didn’t. Plus I’m pretty sure she was actually talking about a real ballet class.

Hannah: “Yes I do Mommy. It starts today.”

Me: “Where is your ballet class?”

Hannah: “It’s on Cammen-muffin street.”

Me (laughing): “Um….” Seriously, what do you say to that?

Hannah: “It starts very soon Mommy. Can you drop me off please?”

Me: “We’re going home now Hannah, we have to have dinner and then quiet time. There is no ballet class, you don’t take ballet.”

I parked the car in front of our apartment block. Fine, in front of the neighbouring apartment block. In front of ours was full.

Little Tikes Princess Cozy Coupe – 30th Anniversary

Hannah: “My ballet class is across the street. I’ll meet you over there Mommy.”

Me: “Don’t cross the street Hannah, it’s dangerous. Why don’t you go check the mail.”

We got inside and she ran to her room.

Hannah: “I need to get ready for my ballet class! Mommy, can you put one of your dresses on for the ballet class?”

Angelina Ballerina Matching Game

Me: “I have to get lunch ready Hannah, and besides, I can’t dance (seriously, I can’t). How about you dance, and I’ll watch you dance?”

Hannah (excitedly): “Ok Mommy!”

And then she did this:

Yes, my daughter is hilarious. But I’m sure you know that already.

Oh, and did you see that long sleeved onsie thing on the couch? Yeah, she got that out of Daniel’s drawer “for him to wear to the ballet class.” HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Check out my lastest review on A Mom’s Reviews about a personalized Sesame Street book (Click here to read the review). Hannah loves her new book!

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Copyright 2012 Sheri Thomson

The Best Mom Blogs