Tag Archives: tibia

The one about my leg – part 2

18 Nov

This is the second part of my leg story. If you haven’t read the first part, click here. Otherwise, I’ll pick up where I left off.

“Your tibia is broken just below your knee,” they told me as they put an x-ray on the light box. “This area here,” he pointed to the x-ray, “is a tumour. It covers 25% of your tibia.” I could see a large area of my bone that was seemingly missing, with a clean break at the thickest part.

I didn’t know what to say. I just kind of stared at them, shock replacing my pain.

“It’s likely not cancer, but there is that chance.” All I heard was cancer. I was terrified. I was only 16 years old. I was booked in to take my drivers licence test that very weekend, only 2 days later. I think my Dad was there, but maybe not. My Mom must have called him went she took me to the hospital. I think I remember him being in that room when they told me I had a tumour.

They put my leg in a brace that had about a zillion straps, booked me in to see the specialist the next day and sent me on my way.

With my leg completely straight in the brace, I had to sit sideways in the car with my leg across the bench seat, taking up the entire back seat.

“What happened to you?” Maria (my friend (not the one who broke my leg) who lived with us) said when I hobbled up the steps. It was about midnight by then. I was too full of shock and adrenaline to sleep, so I told her everything. “Well, at least I bought ice cream.” She got the container of orange sherbert with chocolate chunks out of the freezer. Just what I needed. I ate it straight from the carton. When you’re laying on the couch with a broken leg, bowls just aren’t necessary.

My bed was up high. Kind of like a bunk bed only there was no bottom bed. Instead there was a book shelf and a desk. Needless to say, I wouldn’t be sleeping up there any time soon. I had to sleep on the couch. On my back. And try not to really move because it hurt too much. I still hadn’t taken anything for the pain. I figured I’d already gone 5 hours without anything, and I didn’t die, so what’s a few more? I was very anti-drugs, in any way, shape, or form, including pain killers. Don’t worry, I’m not silly now, I will quite happily pop a Panadol if my head is pounding.

In the morning, I spread myself out in the back of my Dad’s car as he drove me to the specialist half an hour away. More x-rays were taken and a verdict reached.

“It looks like the you were born with this tumour. I’m surprised you haven’t broken your leg before. It’s amazing you’ve gone this long with such a weak spot in your bone.” Yeah, especially since I used to compete in TaeKwonDo tournaments. “I’m about 99% sure the tumour is not cancerous. It’s just fibrous tissue. Now that you’ve broken your leg, it might just fill in on it’s own as the break heals. Otherwise, you’ll have to have surgery later on.”

He plastered me up in a cast that went from the base of my toes all the way to the middle of my thigh. There were no waterproof casts back then, it was an old school, cotton, then white plaster cast. There was a slight bend at the knee, so my leg wasn’t entirely straight, but it wasn’t bent enough to sit on a chair properly either. Riding in the car was quite tricky. Because of the bend, I had to put a pillow or something under my knee and put my whole leg on across the seat. It wouldn’t fit sitting normally.

So even though I had an automatic van, I couldn’t get my drivers licence. Not yet. I’d have to wait. Sigh.

The cast was quite thick, so I couldn’t wear pants either. I had to wear shorts even though it’s quite cold in April. My mom actually had to take me shopping so I could buy an ample supply of shorts that were wide enough to fit over my cast on the way up. I had to pull out of PE class for obvious reasons, and I could no longer ride the bus to school.

I had to stop wearing a bra because the crutches sat under my armpits right where my bras did, rubbing against the bra which rubbed against my skin and made horrible sores. Not that I really needed a bra anyway. I didn’t have any boobs.

Every afternoon after school, I’d come home and fall asleep on the couch, exhausted from all the hobbling around on crutches. My classes were spread all over the school, so getting to them was no easy feat. I was allowed to be late to each and every class.

I couldn’t sleep in my bed, so instead I slept downstairs, in the rec-room, where Maria lived. She had a bed down there, but she preferred the couch, and always slept on the couch anyway. I slept on the bed and she got the couch. We were never really sleeping at the same time though, she worked nights (she was older than me).

Maria would come home in the morning just as I was getting taking the garbage bag off my cast after my shower. I was able to masterfully throw my underpants over my cast leg, pull them up with the toes of my other leg, and then reach them with my hands. I couldn’t bend over too far because that would pull on my bone and put me in terrible pain. I could not, however, manage to land my shorts on my foot. I tried and tried. But it never worked.

When Maria got home from work every day, she’d put my shorts on for me. You know someone is a true friend when they are willing to dress you daily (my parents were already at work, they left at  ridiculous o’clock in the morning, so they were unavailable for pants duty).

As the weeks went by, I went in for x-ray after x-ray, follow up after follow up. The hole didn’t fill in.

I finally got my cast off and found my leg covered in itchy hair, dirty as sin, and the muscle totally atrophied and disgusting looking.

4 months after I broke my leg, in the middle of summer and the school holidays, I got my drivers licence. Finally.

7 months after my leg broke, I went in for surgery. They cleared out the tumour (which, thank goodness, was not cancer. They tested it to make sure), and filled it in with bone that they took from my hip. I had to wear a brace for a long while after that, as it healed and the bone they stuck in there fused with the bone that surrounded it. After surgery was incredibly painful. My hip throbbed. My leg throbbed. My ankle swelled up to unbelievable proportions. I still refused to take pain killers.

When Lauren came to my house as an exchange student, I was still recovering. My brace was a thing of the past, but I still had a bandage on my leg. The incision took a while to heal after some of my internal stitches decided to become external.

Now my leg is fine. there is an area all around the scar on my tibia that doesn’t have much feeling. If anything touches it, it makes me shudder. It feels kind of disgusting. It gets goosebumps when I work out, but when I get goosebumps because I’m cold, that area does not get them. Weird.

The bone from my hip mostly grew back. When I touch the scar, I don’t feel it on the scar, but on my inner thigh. Nerves get all messed up with surgery I suppose. Other than that, there is no affect now. I can run, jump, skip, whatever. I’m all healed. I just have some cool battle scars.

Me with my broken leg and my leg after surgery. My friend’s face is covered because I haven’t asked her if her photo can be on the blog.

But you know what? Breaking bones and the pain post bone graft is NOTHING compared to giving birth. Time to get my tubes tied….

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Copyright 2012 Sheri Thomson

The Best Mom Blogs

Flashback Friday: The one about my leg

16 Nov

I’ve made reference to my leg and it’s tumour before, but I haven’t yet told you the full story (I don’t think…I’d better just do a quick search…ok, I haven’t told the story before). So here it goes:

I was 16 years old. It was April 21st. Yes, 2 years later, that would be the very date that Aaron and I started going out. We were having a talent show at 4-H (yes, that same 4-H that Homer Simpson makes fun of in an episode of the Simpson’s). I was going to play a few songs with the triplets. I was the guitarist for the evening. Mind you, I wasn’t very good. I’d only had my guitar for 4 months at that stage.

Hopped up on sugar, I was standing near my friend, who was sitting down, trying to get her to roughhouse with me. I leaned in and pushed her shoulder. She pushed me back. I bent over a little bit and shoulder barged her. We giggled. She pushed me away gently with her foot, barely touching my shin with her shoe. CRACK!

The colour drained from my face instantly. My eyes bulged out of my head as my mouth went from a smile to stunned mullet gasping. I froze right where I was. excruciating pain like I’d never felt before crippled my leg.

“Are you ok?” My friend asked me. “What’s wrong?”

“My leg.” I somehow managed to croak out. Maybe I was over reacting or being a total wuss. I shifted some weight from my right leg back to my left. Oh. My. Gosh. 

No, there was no way I could even stand on it. I somehow got to a chair. Or maybe one was brought to me. I can’t even remember, my mind kind of went foggy with pain. I didn’t know what to do. I mean, I knew my leg was broken. I heard the horrible crack it made as it broke. I felt the horrible pain – was still feeling the horrible pain. But my friend barely touched my leg. How could it be broken? It didn’t make any sense.

“Mom, there’s something wrong with my leg.” I wasn’t crying. I wasn’t a crier. Never have been. Except now if I see something sad about kids. Gets me every time. That’s what motherhood does I suppose.

My Mom studied me for a couple of seconds, attempting to determine if I was truly hurt or just being wussy “Just sit down for a while and see how you go.” She told me. Or something like that. It was a long time ago.

The talent show started. People did stuff. I couldn’t tell you who did what or even how many people performed. I was too busy sitting in my chair trying not to think about the pain, willing my leg to not be broken.

“Your turn!” Someone said. The rest of the band was already ready.

“Um…I can’t walk.” They still thought I was being wussy or making the whole thing up, so they humoured me and carried me to the stage in my chair. Instead of rocking out, I played Louie, Louie like an old lady, sitting in my chair, wincing as I played. I don’t even know how I got through it, but I did. I don’t even think I messed up.

Playing guitar with my undiagnosed broken leg.

A couple hours later, it was all finished. My leg wasn’t any better. If anything, the pain was worse. Trying to put even a tiny bit of weight on it sent searing pain through my body. The throbbing was terrible.

“Alright, I’ll take you to the after hours doctor.” My mom told me. It was in the next town. I held onto two people’s shoulders and hopped my way down to the truck. Or maybe they carried me. I’m not sure. Haze of pain, remember?

We drove 15 minutes to the next town, only to find the after hours doctor was closed. Sigh.

“Can’t it wait until tomorrow?” My Mom asked me.

“No, I need to see someone now.”

“Ok, I guess I’ll have to take you to the ER then.”

We drove 15 minutes back to our town. The hospital was on the other side of the railroad tracks. Oh. My. Gosh. My leg jarred as we drove over the tracks, nearly putting me in tears. Pretty much the only thing I remember about that car ride is going over the railroad tracks. It was bad. 

I took hold of my Mom’s elbow and hopped my way into the E.R. where I was given a wheelchair to sit on. I have no idea how long I was waiting for, but after a while, someone came over to where I was sitting and started asking questions.

“Where does it hurt?” She asked me.

“There.” I pointed to the spot just below my knee.

“And how did it happen?”

“I was roughhousing with my friend, and she pushed me with her foot. But not very hard.”

“On a scale of 1-10, 1 being no pain, 10 being excruciating, how much does it hurt.”

“10.” Actually, I probably tried to be hard core and said something like 7. Or maybe I was just getting used to the pain by then.

“Well, no one really breaks their leg right under their knee, that is the strongest part of your tibia, if it was broken, it would be at the thinnest part. So how about you just go home and try to walk on it, and see how you go in the morning?”

“No. You need to x-ray it. I’m not leaving.” Seriously, I was not leaving until they checked it out. Even if I had to be a little feisty in the process.

She must have seen the determination in my eyes as she took me for an x-ray straight away, then wheeled me into a consultation room.

When she returned, she was not alone. There were a couple of other doctors with her. The look on their faces said it all. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

This is getting rather long now, so I guess you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out what happend next.

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Copyright 2012 Sheri Thomson

The Best Mom Blogs

Oh, an award :)

27 Aug

Vote for me @ Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

I just checked my blog email (which I don’t do nearly enough…) and found an email from another blogger  (Crystal from sooobig.com) wanting to give me an award because she loves my blog.  Yeah, yeah, I know it’s not a real award, more like a chain letter, but whatever, it made me feel good!  I’ve seen these on other peoples blogs and thought ‘sigh, no one’s ever given me an award.’  So I was pretty stoked.  Anyway, here it is and here is what I have to do:


Here are the rules:

  1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
  2.  Tell us seven things about yourself that others may or may not know.
  3.  Award fifteen recently discovered new bloggers. (note from me: We’ll just pretend I’m a new blogger…and recently discovered.  Maybe that means recently discovered by the person who sent the award to me?  New to her? Whatever, I’m still thrilled with it!).

7 things you may not know about me (now you’ll find out I’m a little strange…)

1. I HATE it when rough things touch my hands and when I have to touch rough things.  Ick.  Gives me the heeby-jeebies like when someone runs their nails down a black board.  I won’t even put lotion on my feet with my hands.  I still put lotion on them, but I rub it in with my feet.  Don’t get it?  I put a bunch of lotion on one foot and then rub my feet together.  Whatever, I’m weird.  I know that.

2. I ALWAYS wear mis-matched socks and have since about 7th grade (15 years ago for those who are curious about my age) when I couldn’t find a pair of socks one day. I don’t like boring plain socks either.  The quirkier and crazier the better.  Sometimes I even wear toe socks (like gloves for your feet) on one foot and a normal sock on the other.  Unfortunately, Australia doesn’t have the awesome supply of interesting socks that the U.S. has, so my interesting sock supply is dwindling.  Mom, please send me some socks for Christmas.

3. Pre-children, my belly button was just a slit. It seriously looked like this: | I got it pierced to cover the silly little slit.  I hated my belly button.  Now it’s normal.  Thanks kids for kicking the bollocks out of me in utero and stretching it out.  Oh, and I found out that it has a freckle inside it.  How did that get there?  I only found it when my belly button popped out.  Lucky for me it’s not a slit anymore because my belly piercing hole seems to have migrated half a centimeter up from my belly button during pregnancy.  Not such a good look.  Plus I think I’m getting too old for a belly button piercing.  I’m not sure.

4. When I was little, I sat on a big rusty nail.  Oops.  It really hurt.  Then I had to have a tetnus shot.  Ick.  I HATE needles.  Maybe that should have been a point as well?  Although now I’m getting used to them.  You need a lot of needles when pregnant.  Especially when you have a negative blood type.  Hmmm… that’s 2 extra points I could have used.  Darn it.

5. 25% of my left Tibia was actually a tumour, something I found out in high school when a slight knock to just the right (or wrong you could say) area broke my leg just below the knee.  No one believed me that my leg was broken, so I sat there with it like that for 2 hours AND played guitar in a talent show before anyone would take me to the hospital.  Then no one at the hospital would believe me either, since, as they told me, “no one breaks their leg there.”  I had to practically force them to give me an x-ray.  I heard it snap, I knew darn well it was broken.  I’ve since had a bone graft from my hip to fill in the tumour.  It wasn’t cancerous, FYI, just a pain in the ass.  Still is, it feels disgusting when anything touches the area.  Ick.  Oh, and all around it doesn’t get goosebumps.  Weird.

6. Ummm…this is hard.  What else can I say??? hmmmmm….  When I was young, I wanted to be a vet.  Then I discovered I’m squeamish around blood.  And I can’t look when there is cutting.  Or stabbing.  Or anything remotely surgical.  Or even when I’m getting a shot or blood drawn.  Shudder.  Kind of squashed my career prospects….  Once my sister in law was cutting a frozen english muffin in her hand (as you do…) when she cut a lot too far down and sliced her hand open.  It was pouring out blood.  She showed me and asked what to do.  She asked me?   Ha!  I flapped my arms, and freaked out.  “I can see your meat!!”  I screamed.

7. I’m a flapper.  I flap when I’m excited, when I’m watching something and it’s not going well (like the team I’m not going for is scoring), when I run, the list goes on.  I just flap my arms up and down like I’m trying to fly or something.  Only I don’t do it on purpose, it just kinda happens.  I didn’t even realise that I do it until someone told me.  Probably Aaron.  Or The Jess.  I seem to have passed this trait on to Hannah.  Whenever I’m drying her off after her bath, she flaps and flaps and giggles whilst stating with a huge smile “I’m FLAPPING!”  And then I realised that she also flaps when she runs.  Poor girl.  Why couldn’t she get Daddy’s running ability?  He is a good runner.  He runs all the time.  He runs in races even.  Not me, I just flap.  Awesome.

Thanks Crystal, I love my award, and It was kinda fun writing random facts about myself. Good times.  Now who shall I pass this award on to????????????????????????????????????

Don’t forget to vote once per day, help me get to number 1 (or at least stay at number 2…) THANKS!!!
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